Skills Empowerment, Mentorship, and Livelihoods Improvement


Recycling and Waste Management Initiative: MADF conducted recycling and waste management initiatives for women, young girls, and PWDs, reaching over 500 members across five women’s groups from five sub counties including Central and Nyamwamba Divisions of Kasese Municipality within Kasese District.

Objective: To promote environmental awareness and social inclusion.
Outputs: Recycling and waste management initiatives for women, young girls, and PWDs.
Outcomes: Increased income generation and social inclusion.
Impact: Improved environmental stewardship and livelihoods.
Community Feedback: Support for initiatives promoting social inclusion.
Achievements: Empowerment of marginalized groups through waste management.
Challenges: Limited resources for expanding initiatives.
Recommendations: Capacity building for waste management enterprises.

Establishment and Strengthening of Community People-Owned Sacco Groups Initiative: MADF supported the establishment and strengthening of community-owned Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (Sacco) groups, benefiting up to 10 women and Gender groups with over 200 members benefiting in Kasese District.

Objective: To promote financial inclusion and entrepreneurship.
Outputs: Support for the establishment and strengthening of community-owned Sacco groups.
Outcomes: Increased access to financial services and community development.
Impact: Empowerment of women’s groups through financial inclusion.
Community Feedback: Appreciation for support in establishing Sacco groups.
Achievements: Strengthened community cohesion and entrepreneurship.
Challenges: Limited financial literacy among community members.
Recommendations: Financial literacy training for Sacco members.

Conducting a financial literature – Business development and mentorship coaching of women Sacco group in Katadoba Cell.

Overall Challenges included Limited follow-up support and mentorship for participants after completion of training programs due to limited organizational resources, and also Capacity constraints in delivering tailored support services to diverse target groups.

General Lessons Learned included among others Importance of holistic support services, including mentorship and follow-up, to ensure sustainable livelihoods, and also need for capacity building within MADF to deliver effective and responsive support programs.